Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Praise Alert

Today I found out that a specific prayer we had prayed for in my Monday morning prayer group just yesterday had been answered. We've actually had many prayers answered over the last 2 years. There's just no greater feeling than when you know without a doubt that God heard and responded to your prayers.

It occurred to me though that we don't always acknowledge (especially in public) "God listened and answered my prayer!" I wish we could be more open and give God the glory He so deserves. How cool would it be if we posted "Praise Alerts" here on our blog each time God responded to one of our prayers? 

Keeping a prayer journal is a great way to go back months and even years later to see how God answered prayers that we were unable to see or understand at the time. I believe God longs to hear our prayers and respond to them. His answers may not always be what we expect, so it helps to try and see things from His perspective. Have you had any "Praise Alerts" of your own lately?

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.
Bend down and listen as I pray.  Psalm 17:6

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chocolate Chat

Chocolate Chat was about more than desserts tonight. We dealt with some serious and heavy stuff that needs to be heard. The silent cries of our brothers and sisters should be heard. They need our help and our prayers. Can you imagine not having clean water, food on your table or a place to call home? One would be bad enough, but all three? The cries of the 15 million orphans left behind because of AIDS break my heart. Have mercy on them God, have mercy.

We heard about Aggie's Arts tonight and bought some beautiful beads that 17 women in a Ugandan village made into necklaces and bracelets. Thanks to Cindy, Rhonda, Suzy and Molly for driving down from Oneonta with loads of beads. They would love to do some more presentations if anyone knows of a group that would be interested. Let me know and I'll put you in touch with Cindy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Each year we come together around this time to discuss the direction and reach of the women's ministry.  It is our pleasure to introduce to you a new way for the women at Mountain Chapel to reflect on God's love together, reach out to each other if there is a need,  ask questions that you might have and generally discuss our study of the Word through this ministry.  We hope that you will read these postings and feel inspired to write and possibly work with us to post entries of your own.  We hope that you will be encouraged to comment to share your thoughts or understandings.  We hope that this blog will be a place where we can learn more about the water that Christ offers us and to then share it with others.

In Christ

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14