Have you thought about your legacy lately? Not many people like to think about their death and what comes afterward, but the truth is, we will all leave a legacy when we die our physical death. The good news is, we have a choice as to what that legacy looks like and whether it will have positive effects on our friends and loved ones when we're gone. The choices we make today and all the days that follow will have a lasting impact on future generations.
But, legacy is also important now, not just after we're gone. The world is watching how we live our lives. As we submit ourselves to the authority of the Holy Spirit we can rest in the fact that our lives will be a reflection of Jesus Christ. We have supernatural power flowing through us, making decisions for us. The Holy Spirit can convict us of our sin and set us on the right path again. The world needs to know there is Someone who loves us despite how many times we've messed up. We shouldn't keep this truth to ourselves.
We can live a godly legacy today that will encourage others as they make the narrow journey with Christ Jesus. Is it always easy? Not always. Is it satisfying? Most of the time. It means making decisions based on who Jesus is and not necessarily blending in with the world around us. That's what the word "holy" means; being set apart for God, sacred. It does NOT mean being perfect individuals nor does it mean we will have perfect lives without pain and suffering.
We are God's creatures, created in His image and therefore He knows better than we do what our needs are and what will bring us into closer fellowship with Him. Do you trust Him in all areas of your life? He knows that life is hard sometimes and is ready to reassure us through a friend, His Word or perhaps a rainbow. He pursues us gently and lovingly never turning away or leaving us without hope. He is serious about the covenant made thousands of years ago with Abraham.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” Genesis 9:16